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Our community club is run entirely by a bunch of amazing volunteers.  If you would like to be involved in our great netball club, committee positions are nominated at our AGM (September).



President - Shaun Spencer 
Vice President - Dee Dingle
Treasurer - Lynda Purcell
Registrar - Rachel Wallis
Secretary - Hayley Windle
Coaching Coordinator - Loz Fox
NetSetGo Coordinator - Raelene McKenna
Umpiring Coordinator - Carol Nugent
Uniform Coordinator - Leigh Molloy
Property Coordinator - Jean Paradise


Talent Development Coordinator - Kelsie Johnston


Website Coordinator - Kate Reeves
Sponsorship Coordinator - Jean Paradise


Building Project Coordinator - Mark Kepplinger


Events and Fundraising Coordinator - Cass Hart

General Committee - Daya Feldhusen, Kim Gorski,  Justine Dolphin-Spencer, Belinda Van Andel

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